Tis’ the season!  Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve…Your goal to stay healthy can feel like a big challenge.

As people hurry to and fro, baking goodies, searching for perfect presents,  and preparing for visitors, they often neglect their personal wellbeing.  This often leads to increased stress. Many times it also leads to illness, which can really dampen your holiday spirit.

 Taking care of yourself, especially during busy times, is very important. After all, you can’t give from an empty cup.  Practicing self-care makes it easier to do all those wonderful things you have planned, so it makes sense to make it a priority.

Making time for yourself doesn’t have to be a big, time consuming activity that you must squeeze into your already packed day. You can fit some “you” time into even the tightest schedule by  remembering to occasionally  P.A.U.S.E.

Tips to help you PAUSE and Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Praise: expressing gratitude has documented health benefits. Not only can it help improve your mental and emotional wellness, but it can even help strengthen your physical health.

Activity: Take a few minutes to walk, dance, do yoga, or some other physical activity you enjoy. Not only does it help manage stress and help burn off a few holiday treats, but it can also boost your immune system, helping you avoid getting a nasty cold.

Upbeat:  Laughter also helps strengthen your immune system and reduces stress hormone levels.  Additionally, smiling, even if it’s forced, can help you release “feel good” brain chemicals known as endorphins.

Sleep:  Sleeping is good “medicine.” In addition to helping you feel mentally and physically refreshed, it helps your immune system stay strong and can help you maintain a healthier weigh.

Exhale: One of the quickest, easiest, and most effective stress management techniques is breathing.  Pausing for a few times throughout the day to take a few slow, deep breaths can do wonders.


Be well!.

Dr. Donna

Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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