By Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS

If you find yourself overwhelmed by healthy eating information, this article is for you.  Add one or two of these easy tips to your personal wellness plan.  As they become your new normal, add a new one.

Becoming healthier doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. It can be as easy as doing one new thing, then building on your success.   Bon apetit!

1)    Balance Calories:

  • Enjoy your food, just eat less:  Stop eating before you feel full.  It takes a while before your brain receives the signal from your stomach saying “I’ve had enough.”
  • Avoid oversized portions:   Having a Flintstone size plate doesn’t mean you have to fill it up.  The average plate size has increased over the past few decades. Use a saucer instead of a regular plate to help you become more disciplined with your servings.

2) Increase healthy foods:

  • Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables: Steam, boil, or eat them raw to increase their health benefits
  • Make at least half the grains you eat whole grains. Oatmeal, brown rice, whole corn meal, and products labeled “100% whole grain” are good sources.
  • Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk.  This change alone will decrease your caloric intake. If you don’t drink dairy try rice, almond, or soy milk.

3) Reduce unhealthy foods:

  • Read food labels: Compare sodium amounts.  Choose products with the lower number.
  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks:  Make your own fruity beverage by soaking fresh fruit in a container of water overnight.  For added flavor add some cloves or cinnamon.


© 2014 Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS


The Ultimate Health and Wellness Guide Dr. Donna Hamilton, MD has a mission to help everyone live the healthy, satisfying lives they’re meant to lead. A dynamic holistic wellness speaker, Dr. Hamilton passionately teaches what being healthy really means and how to do it in a way that fits your unique needs. Her easy, practical tips assist you with assessing the entire wellness landscape and appropriately planning your personal wellness journey. Her workbook Wellness Your Way combines evidence based counseling and coaching skills with her primary care medicine wisdom to assist readers on this journey.  For more information or to book Dr. Hamilton for speaking engagements visit

Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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