by Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS

Want to jump start your personal wellness plan but the idea of going to the gym or doing other cardio activities just doesn’t appeal to you? There’s good news for you!  Diet and exercise are  only one part of achieving optimal health.  Though having a healthy fit body offers many health benefits, it’s also important to address mental, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness.

These 3 simple wellness tips offer big health benefits without breaking a sweat.  Sometimes doing relatively simple things offers big health benefits.  These simple acts can help you  build momentum and enthusiasm to do some of the wellness activities you might have dreaded in the past.

1) Medical Self-care: Learning to recognize, prevent, or manage health issues on your own is an important part of self-care and wellness promotion.  Learning basic information about what is and isn’t a medical emergency, when to go to a doctor, and when and how to take care of basic illnesses and injuries yourself can provide peace of mind and personal empowerment.   It can also potentially help avoid unnecessary visits to the doctor.

Ask your doctor’s office for patient education material about   managing common issues such as fevers, headaches, burns, or stomach aches.  The American Red Cross also offers first aid classes to teach how to manage basic injuries.

2) Pay attention to your mental health: Having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body. The mind and body interact on many levels.   Health issues in one can create health issues in the other.  Recognizing the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses like depression or addiction is as important as recognizing the signs and symptoms of heart attack or stroke.  It’s also important to learn how certain physical illnesses relate to mental illness and vice-versa.

Certain symptoms like sleep problems, irritability, low energy, alcohol or substance misuse, or even certain physical ailments can indicate an underlying mental health issues.  Contact your doctor if you have concerns about your mental well-being, you want to learn more about monitoring your own mental health, or you want suggestions for boosting your own mental wellness.

3) Get still at least once a day: Whether you meditate, write in a journal, or simply take a few deep breaths, quieting your mind and body on a regular basis boosts personal wellness. From stress reduction to better sleep, or healthier  blood pressure, getting still can enhance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Who said improving personal wellness had to be hard? Now you know you can get started without breaking a sweat!

Be well.

Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP, is a former board-certified pediatrician residing in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Currently, she is Chief Wellness Officer and co-owner of Manifest Excellence, LLC. Dr. Hamilton specializes in holistic wellness promotion and speaks nationally on this topic. Her company Manifest Excellence teaches a comprehensive approach to health and wellness by addressing mental, emotional, social, spiritual and physical wellbeing. For more information visit

© 2011 Donna L. Hamilton, MD

Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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