Donna Hamilton, MD

Most people easily recognize when they need to “get in gear” to avoid negative repercussions at work or at home, but would you recognize if you needed to act fast in order to save someone’s life? Specifically, would you know if someone needed immediate medical attention because they were having a stroke? Do you know the big stroke signs?

A stroke is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention.  It’s the fourth leading cause of death in the United States but many people don’t know the signs and symptoms.  If you suspect that you or someone else is having a stroke it’s important to act immediately. It literally could be a matter of life or death.

Here is an easy way to recognize the signs of a stroke.

Key Signs of Having A Stroke

F: Face drooping or numbness

A: Arm weakness

S: Speech difficulty

T: Time to call 911

If you notice even one of these signs call 911.  All three don’t have to be present.


Holistic Wellness Speaker and Wellness Luminary Dr. Donna Hamilton, MD has a mission to help everyone live the healthy, satisfying lives they’re meant to lead. Dr. Hamilton passionately teaches what being healthy really means and how to do it in a way that fits your unique needs. For more information visit

Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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