Though most people would love to curl up and stay at home when bad weather strikes, work usually demands otherwise. Even entrepreneurs often have to brave the elements rather than close their office.  If an important deadline looms or a client can’t wait, the risk of hypothermia and other weather dangers seem to pale in comparison.

It’s important to know  that venturing out into extremely cold weather can give you more than temporary discomfort. It can pose a major health threat.  For example, if you get stuck in the snow, extreme cold can become life threatening. Knowing how to recognize hypothermia and how to manage it can help save lives.

What is hypothermia?

Hypothermia is a dangerously low body temperature (i.e. less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit) that constitutes a medical emergency.

What causes hypothermia?

Hypothermia happens when your body loses heat faster than it can generate it.  This most often occurs from prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, especially without enough protective clothing.  Hypothermia can also occur from wearing wet clothes in cold or windy conditions or falling into cold water.

How do I recognize hypothermia?

Hypothermia occurs in anyone, but young children and elderly people tend to be at greatest risk.  Symptoms in adults include:

  • Shivering, especially excessively
  • Difficulty thinking and/or confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Clumsiness
  • Drowsiness

Symptoms in infants include bright red, cold skin and decreased energy.

What do I do?

  • Seek medical help immediately.
  • Get the affected person inside or to the warmest location possible.
  • Remove wet clothing.
  • Cover with warm blankets, towels, clothes, etc. Remember to cover their head and feet.
  • If possible, also use the body warmth of another person to warm the victim by doing skin to skin contact.
  • If the person is conscious, give them warm beverages to drink.
  • Monitor breathing. If breathing stops start CPR if you know it.


For tips to prevent hypothermia read this.

© 2014

The Ultimate Health and Wellness Guide Dr. Donna Hamilton, MD has a mission to help everyone live the healthy, satisfying lives they’re meant to lead. Dr. Hamilton passionately teaches what being healthy really means and how to do it in a way that fits your unique needs. Her easy, practical tips assist you with assessing the entire wellness landscape and appropriately planning your personal wellness journey. Her workbook Wellness Your Way combines evidence based counseling and coaching skills with her primary care medicine wisdom to assist readers on this journey.  For more information or to book Dr. Hamilton for speaking engagements visit




Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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