
Manifest Excellence’s owner and Chief Wellness Officer Donna L. Hamilton, MD- a community Pediatrician turned entrepreneur and national holistic wellness speaker-has a mission to help everyone live the healthy, satisfying lives they’re born to have. As part of that mission she’s working with Disney Junior and Artemis Medical Society to promote the hit Disney show, “Doc McStuffins.”  As season two of the toddler sensation approaches, Disney will send a Doc McStuffins mobile health unit to ten major cities in the United States.

The mobile unit will be equipped with information and tools to teach children how to eat healthier, drink more water, and better navigate their own doctor office visits.  It will not provide medical care but rather focus on Dr. Hamilton’s passion: teaching what it really means to be healthy and providing information and resources for doing it.

Disney invited Artemis Medical Society members, of which Dr. Hamilton is a Vice-Chairperson, to greet children and their parents as they wait to enter the mobile unit.  She and her colleagues, donned in white coats adorned with Disney pins, will take photos with the children and parents.

The national mobile unit tour begins in Boston on Sunday, August 18, 2013.  Dr. Hamilton will also appear at the New York City event in Times Square on September 21 and the Washington, DC event on September 17, 2013 McPherson Square. The full schedule can be found at www.DisneyJunior.com/DocMobile 

Dr. Hamilton-a former board certified pediatrician-retired her white coat and stethoscope and now speaks nationally about holistically improving health. During her career as a community pediatrician she frequently saw non-physical factors like stress and relationships impact not only her patients’ health but also their caregivers.  Addressing these issues often was a major factor in her patients’ ability to achieve positive health outcomes. Prompted by her commitment to facilitate a paradigm shift towards wellness, Dr. Hamilton eventually retired clinical practice and began a non-clinical career in health and wellness promotion. Through her company Manifest Excellence, LLC she champions a holistic approach to health that addresses physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual factors.  For more information or to book Dr. Hamilton as a speaker visit http://www.ManifestExcellence.com


Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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