People frequently tell me they want to start meditating but don’t know how to start. That’s not surprising. As news spreads about the health and wellness benefits of meditation so does information about the various techniques. It can seem confusing.

Medical research reports many health benefits including stress reduction, improved mental clarity, blood pressure improvement, and depression treatment.  It’s an inexpensive, wellness boosting technique that can easily fit into most health and wellness regimens. Anyone can learn to do it, even people with very active minds. It’s worth taking some time to figure out what works best for your personal wellness needs.

Contrary to popular belief, the goal of meditation isn’t necessarily to empty or quiet the mind. It’s to focus mind. Seasoned meditators often begin to experience a quiet, “empty” mind they experience deep relaxation.  This level of mental calmness can take a while to achieve, so don’t be discouraged if you have a lot of mental chatter in the beginning.  The more you meditate the more your body and mind will learn to release stress.

Meditations Basics

Many forms of meditation exist.  If one type doesn’t work well for you try another. For example, if you’re a very active person you might not like sitting still to meditate. You might prefer a moving meditation. Walking, dancing, or even running can become a meditation if you have a consistent focal point such as your breath or heart beat.

Focusing on your breath works well for sitting meditations too.  Other focal points can be a sound, a calm image like a sunset, a candle, or a short phrase repeated slowly in your mind (ex. “om,” “love” or “peace be still.”) Regardless of what you choose the key to meditation is remembering to return to your focal point when you realize your mind has wandered.

Your mind will wander. That doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. When it happens gently return to your focal point.  Don’t try to block thoughts. Have a passive attitude toward them. Be open to them showing up and gently redirect yourself back to your focus  when they occur.

If you choose to do a still meditation it’s important to pick a comfortable, relaxed position. Try sitting in a supported, comfortable position with your hands and feet uncrossed. Pick a quiet location where you won’t be disturbed. This is important because your body will be in a state of deep relaxation during meditation. Shocking interruptions can trigger a stress response for your nervous system.

Start meditating five to ten minutes once a day until you discover what works for you.  Once you find the meditation style, location, time of day, etc. that you prefer, work up to twenty minutes twice a day.

Everyone can meditate. If it’s something you want to incorporate into your personal wellness plan you can find a technique that works for you.  Be patient with yourself and your process. Don’t get stressed out by selecting a stress reduction technique!

Be well.

Author Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS

Holistic wellness speaker Dr. Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS passionately teaches women what being healthy really means and how to do it in a way that fits their unique needs. She enthusiastically teaches a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that addresses mental, emotional, social, spiritual and physical well-being. Dr. Hamilton-a former board certified pediatrician-now specializes in health optimization. She retired her white coat and stethoscope and now speaks nationally about holistically improving health and well-being.  For more information visit


Photo © Bob Stockfield, Courtesy: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Donna Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
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